All well that ends well

First let me start off by saying . This is a wild time we are having. The pandemic is on a level of untamed. What is more unprecedented is the way people act because of it. He do people who aren’t going though anything is going to tell you that you are messing up or you need to get your ish together. News flash buddy everything is shut down. Stay at home order in a affect. which means you ain’t supposed to be outside.

Now I get having a plan. Plan for what. Nobody knows when everything is going to end. People going back to there jobs. Nothing. But I can tell you, it pretty selfish for somone to ask what are you going to do when really you options are limited and not even by your own doing?


Headphone are a big part of our lives. It is a big part because sound is apart a great deal. Over the years head phones have changed to better fit out day to day routines. Due to this is is now a wireless device you put in each ear. How great and far we have come. Some wireless headphones (ear pods) are better than other.

The ones that are noise canceling and sound enhancing are the better sound quality but are usually bulkier. Finding the ones that have great quality sound and headphones, that are also slim looking are a great find.

To dad or not to dad that is the question.

Being a dad is a responsibility. Putting you own twist on it can make a huge difference. From hanging or reading, the impact one has upon the child greatly dictates the outcome of the young ones choice and thoughts. It’s takes a lot but you can be well rewarded due to the smiles laughs and crazy questions they have. Kids are a lot of things and awesome is one of them.

Have a great

You have a lot of time to get things in order. That doesn’t mean to not get started. A step in a direction is a step closer than you was and it feels and looks a lot better. Staying the same spot complainf not only brings you down but it brings down everyone around you. As the old saying goes, misery loves company.


As I sit and start my study of people, I come to realize that they have no other reasons beside there own. All the logic emotionally stimulating and brain tingling in the world will not stop someone from believing only what they think to be true. Break rules and others only to have it come back to them. Now I’m all for accept blessing. I think there is a difference between accepting blessing and exapecting blessing. Good come to those whom are good. Is that the reason why you do great things because of the law of attraction. Bad morals and unholy values but do good things. Or good morals and goals attract bad things that happend. Opposite attract in I think almost every if not all aspects of life which an prove while people whom break the law are subject to more riches than a person who obey them. Is a interesting outlook on the world as a whole and what makes it turn.


If it takes 1 to get to 2 and 2 to get to 3, then the steps your taking are taking you somewhere. For which every choice we have and decision we make, ultimately alters our future existence. One left leads to wealth, while the right leads to great love. We shape our future by our choices so choose carefully of the reason for making the decision because the reason behind it, is the view.


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